LEVEL I: Serious policy violations such as, but not limited to: Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Violation of Laws, Use of Force, employee against employee complaints, and other complaints at the direction of the Sheriff or his designee. Complaints of this nature will be accepted indefinitely.
LEVEL II: Policy violations such as Disobedience to Orders, Performance of Duty, or willful misconduct and repeated Level III complaints. Complaints of this nature will be accepted up to one year after the date of occurrence.
LEVEL III: Courtesy complaints of rudeness, disrespect, impartiality, procedural complaints of procedures specifically related to the employee’s duty assignment, handcuffing, traffic stops, supervisory issues such as tardiness, minor procedural errors, traffic accidents, failure to show up for court, minor sick time abuse. Complaints of this nature will be accepted up to six months after the date of occurrence.
S – SUSTAINED – The allegation is substantiated, the misconduct did occur.
NS – NON-SUSTAINED – The allegation is not substantiated. There is not sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegation.
U – UNFOUNDED – The allegation is false or not factual. The incident did not occur or involve the accused employee.
E – EXONERATED – The incident occurred but the accused employee acted lawfully and properly.
M – MISCONDUCT NOT BASED ON COMPLAINT – Sustained misconduct not alleged in complaint, but disclosed by the investigation.
P – POLICY FAILURE – The allegation is true and, although the employee acted consistent with agency policy, the complainant suffered harm.