
Major Kenny Benoit, Corrections Commander
Major Kenny Benoit started his career in the Corrections Division of the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office in 2002. That same year, he graduated from a P.O.S.T. Level 2 – Certification for Basic Correctional Peace Officer.
Major Benoit progressed his way through the ranks of the Corrections Division serving as a Security Shift Deputy, Security Shift Sergeant, Training Sergeant, Security Shift Lieutenant, Transition Team Leader for the Public Safety Complex project, Secure Housing Lieutenant, LPCC Operations Captain, LPCC Security Captain and Assistant Warden. In 2024, he was promoted to the rank of Major and currently serves as the Warden of the Corrections Division.
He is responsible for overseeing the functions of several diverse sections of the agency, such as the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center, Community Corrections, Medical and Treatment Programs, Accreditation and Compliance and the Direct Supervision Unit.
Married with one child, Major Benoit is a graduate of Gueydan High School who has also successfully completed the F.B.I. LEEDA Leadership Trilogy. He grew up working in the crawfish, rice and alligator industries with his family and takes pride in his Cajun heritage.