
Offender Information

Active Warrants Unavailable

This notice is to advise the citizens of Lafayette Parish that our JADES (Jail Active Data Environment Systems ) is currently undergoing application upgrades, the upgrade is directly related to the posting of Lafayette Parish Active Warrants. Until upgrades are completed Active Warrants will not be available/posted to the JADES site.

Thanks to all for your patience and understanding during these upgrades

The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office’s Offender Information feature provides public information on persons currently incarcerated at the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center, persons arrested within the past 48 hours and booked into the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center, and a complete listing of active warrants within the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office records management system. JADES (Jail Active Data Environment Systems) will provide Offender Information information to include charge information, bond information, cell assignment if incarcerated, and complete active warrant information.

If an individual is incarcerated the cell assignment will be highlighted; by clicking on the assignment it will link you to the Interactive page to view additional information regarding The Lafayette Parish Correctional Center (LPCC) visitation schedules and procedures.

Normal Hours

Monday – Friday:
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM



The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office offers this Internet Offender Information feature to the public and law enforcement in the interest of public safety. This information shall not be considered, or used as, a public document, or official document, and no other publication or copying of this information is allowed without the express written consent of the person(s), and the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office. Any unauthorized use of this information is forbidden and subject to criminal prosecution.

The information is provided as a request under the Freedom of Information Act, and the Public Records Act. Nothing contained herein is intended to imply or infer the guilt or wrongdoing of any person(s) listed on this site.

The name information provided within JADES is provided to us by the arrestee and/or the arresting agency at the time of arrest. At the time this report is generated, verification made by fingerprints, criminal histories or any other identification quality controls in place, may not be completed.

Parish Jail

By clicking “I Agree” below I am designating my intention to use this site as an informational site and a verification that I have read and understand the above stated JADES disclaimer