Frequently Asked Questions
In order to better serve the public and the citizens of Lafayette Parish, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office has updated its website to provide a quick reference page to allow you the opportunity to find the information your looking for in a timely manner.
Administrative Services
No. The only exception is if an offender needs to bonded out of jail. The bail bondsman can make arrangements through our records department. If an offender needs to pay an attorney for services rendered, the attorney can make arrangements through our records department.
Always arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled court time. This allows for time to find parking, move through the security check point, wait for elevators, and find your courtroom. Smoking inside the building will NOT be tolerated. Individuals caught smoking in the bathrooms are subject to prosecution for violation of the city ordinance. Designated smoking areas are available outside the front doors. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the courtrooms. There is a phone available inside the Bailiff’s office on the 4th floor for public use. Only local calls are permitted, and there is a 2-minute time limit on the phone. Please adhere to this limit.
The following FAQs are offered as general information about our tax sale and should not be considered as legal advice. Anyone wishing to participate in our tax sale is encouraged to familiarize themselves with the laws concerning tax sales and the rights the sale conveys unto the purchaser. Before participating in a tax sale, the Sheriff’s Office strongly recommends that you seek legal advice in order to fully understand the process. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office assumes no liability for an uninformed tax purchaser.
Yes we do. If it is Real Estate, the items are advertised twice: Thirty (30) days before the sale on Thursday and ten (10) days before the sale on Thursday. If it is a “moveable,” the items are advertised ten (10) days before the sale on a Thursday.
In order to participate in The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Tax Collector tax sale you must register with our office. There is no cost for registration, but you must have a letter of credit from your bank in the amount you wish to spend at the sale. Since our tax sale is considered an investment opportunity for the purchaser, we also require a Social Security Number or a Federal Tax Identification Number. Please contact our office 337-236-5881 if you wish to register or email us at LPSO Tax Office.
There is no specific amount required to put in an offender’s account.
Bringing children to the courthouse (especially small children, infants, and toddlers) is discouraged because of the uncertain amount of time spent in court. Children get bored, impatient, and want to move around, so they tend to be disruptive in the courthouse. It is advised to make arrangements for someone to care for your child. The only exceptions are if the child is required to be seen in court, such as a juvenile matter, teen court, truancy, etc.
Unfortunately, we do not fax the list of items for sale.
No, it is the responsibility of the bidder to research mortgage certificates for any liens.
The properties are offered at the amount of taxes, liens, and costs associated with the property. Louisiana law requires a “bid down” process in which we sell the least amount of the property that someone will buy for the full amount due. Bidding is opened at 100% of the property. If more than one person is interested in the property, the next bidder may offer to pay the amount due for a lesser percentage of the property. Bidding may continue down to our lowest acceptable bid which is 1/1,000,000 of 1% (one millionth of 1 percent).
It is hard to say when a particular court docket will end. Judges work at their own pace, so it is always a good idea to plan to be there for the entire day. Make sure your place of employment and child care arrangements are aware of this.
Please pay with Certified Funds only in the Civil Office located at 1010 Lafayette Street.
When you purchase property at a tax sale you are buying a “Tax Deed” which conveys certain rights unto the purchaser. Upon purchase, the property is placed in the purchaser’s name. The purchaser is then immediately entitled to a 5% buyer’s fee plus 1% per month on the amount paid until redemption. The tax purchaser may try to acquire the property after three years have elapsed since the recording of the tax deed. Acquisition of the property is up to the courts and would depend heavily on the percentage of the property purchased, adherence to notification laws, and other factors as determined by the courts. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with these laws prior to purchasing at a tax sale.
It is important to always keep court summons or subpoenas as this will help the staff to direct those who are lost. If summons or subpoenas are misplaced, please report to the second floor Clerk of Court office. There is metered parking surrounding the courthouse, but they are limited to a first-come, first-served basis and have a time limit. Public parking is also available in the parking tower on Buchanan Street. It is operated by the Lafayette Consolidated Government and costs are subject to change. It currently costs $1.00 per hour. Be aware that the garage will close at 8:00 PM, and if court runs late, your car will remain there overnight. Please do NOT park in any of the private parking lots located adjacent to the district courthouse. You WILL be towed in these areas.
The winner must pay by 2:00 P.M. on the day of the sale in the full amount with certified funds.
Due to security issues, civilians must not attempt conversation or contact with offenders when they are being escorted into or out of a courtroom or the courthouse. They should also refrain from signaling, speaking, or communicating with offenders in court. Also, when deputies are moving offenders to elevators, always allow them the right of way. Non-offenders are not permitted to ride the elevator if offenders are aboard it.
Louisiana Revised Statute 47:2154 requires that Parish & Municipal Tax Collectors seize and offer for sale, properties upon which delinquent taxes are due. This means that the Sheriff, as Tax Collector, must conduct a “sale” of delinquent tax properties. These properties are offered at the amount of taxes due with incurred costs (certified mailings, advertisements, recording fees, etc.) Purchase of these properties at a tax sale does not immediately convey title to the properties purchased.
Yes, you can. If it is Real Estate, you can drive by and only view the exterior. If it is a Moveable, you can go to the place where it is stored.
When property is purchased at a tax sale the original owner has a three year period in which to redeem the property by paying the original sale amount, including applicable fees, the 5% buyer’s premium, and 1% per month interest. The redemptions are handled by the Lafayette Parish Tax Collector’s Office and the receipts are forwarded monthly to the tax purchaser.
Pants, not shorts, must be worn. Women may wear knee-length dresses or skirts. Pants must be worn at the proper waist level with a belt and must not be baggy. Clothing must not contain vulgarity, drug promotion, or violent images/words. Men may not wear head covers, hats, or doo-rags. However, women are allowed to wear hats or head coverings, but they will be asked at security check points to remove them and are subject to search.
In Lafayette Parish, some property taxes are levied against property within each incorporated area (Broussard, Carencro, Scott, Duson, Lafayette, Youngsville), while some are levied on the entire parish. Residents of the city of Lafayette or other incorporated areas within Lafayette Parish must pay both parish taxes and city taxes. The parish property taxes are paid to and collected by the Sheriff within his capacity as Ex-officio Tax Collector for the parish. The Lafayette Consolidated Government collects those taxes levied against property within the city of Lafayette and other municipalities collect their respective taxes. For additional assistance with tax information, please contact the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office at 337-236-5880 or via email to Tax Division.
Cellular phones with cameras on them are not allowed in by the general public. Regular cameras, recorders, weapons of any kind, sharp implements such as nail files or hair pick combs, etc. are also prohibited. Those entering the building are required to remove belts, jewelry, hats, and sometimes even shoes (especially boots with steel toes or metal pieces). Please be aware that anything metal will set off the detectors. This procedure is instrumental in keeping the District Courthouse a safe place.
The Sheriff sales consist of Real Estate and “Movables” (anything that moves – vehicles, boats, etc.)
The sale is held every Wednesday except weeks with a holiday.
The bidding will start at two-thirds of the appraised value.
That is determined by the Sheriff’s cost and Clerk’s Cost.
The appraised value will be given on the Friday afternoon before the sale.
The list is available on the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office civil sale website.
The sale is held at 1010 Lafayette Street on the 2nd Floor at 10:00 A.M.
Information about court dates can be obtained by calling the Clerk of Court’s Office at 337-233-0150. Crime victims are encouraged to register with the LA Victim Notification System to be automatically notified of court dates relating to their case.
Contact the Treatment Programs Department, 337-236-5664 with any information regarding the nature of the problem and they will evaluate your family member.
No. Offenders in general population have their cell doors opened in the morning for “roll call.” Their cell doors remain open throughout the day and they are able to mingle in the housing unit’s day room. Each day room is equipped with a TV, tables, and chairs. Following the evening roll call, the offenders return to their cells and the doors are locked until the next day. Offenders in “Maximum Security” are confined to their cells throughout the day, but are allowed outside of their cell for 1 hour. In that time, they are allowed to conduct hygiene activities, exercise, and make phone calls.
Yes, some medications will be accepted as long as it is in the original prescription bottle, has not expired, is a valid prescription with the offender’s name, and has been approved for offender consumption. Narcotic pain medication will not be accepted. Some medications can be placed for the physicians to approve.
Money is accepted for commissary at the Bonding/Traffic Fine Section of the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center between the hours of 8AM and 3PM Monday through Friday. Money orders are also accepted via mail (Lafayette Parish Correctional Center, PO Box 2537, Lafayette, LA 70502). Payee on the money order should be LPCC and the offender. Please include the offender’s arrest number on the money order in order to make sure that the money is properly credited.
Please see the Corrections sections page for information on Commissary & Phone Procedures.
Due to security restrictions, the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center cannot accept items from outside of the facility for offenders; therefore, clothes for court should be handled through attorneys. Offenders are allowed to purchase commissary items within the jail.
He/she has been placed on a higher level of watch due to staff concern. We want to make sure they are safe. There are times when a conversation with a family member can be detrimental to this situation and put the offender at greater risk. Therefore, for the offender’s safety, all phone contact must go through the counselor during this period of time.
No. It is a violation of the HIPPA to discuss any type of medical condition and/or medications with someone other than the patient.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) states that Protected Health Information (PHI) is any information about health status, provision of health care, or payment for health care that can be linked to an individual. This includes any part of a patient’s medical, mental, or substance abuse record. HIPAA limits the release of information. Therefore, PHI can only be given to those individuals that have the patient’s written consent. It is public record that an individual is housed at LPCC, however, the services they receive are private. LPSO can request that the individual sign a Release of Confidential Information, but he or she may refuse. Their current condition can be given to you only with the individual’s permission.
Offenders can purchase food items, such as candy, chips, soup, personal hygiene items, and writing materials etc.
Yes. If there is a need to keep an offender separate from the general population in order to protect him or others from harm, they are housed in a cell by themselves.
Please see the Corrections sections page for information on Offender Commissary, Phone, and Mail
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) states that Protected Health Information (PHI) is any information about health status, provision of health care, or payment for health care that can be linked to an individual. This includes any part of a patient’s medical, mental, or substance abuse record. HIPAA limits the release of information. Therefore, PHI can only be given to those individuals that have the patient’s written consent. It is public record that an individual is housed at LPCC, however, the services they receive are private. LPSO can request that the individual sign a Release of Confidential Information, but he or she may refuse. Their current condition can be given to you only with the individual’s permission.
No, all offenders will be referred to Ochsner University Medical Center for their medical care. The Medical Department will provide the best available medical care to all offenders, regardless whether the offender has money in their offender account or not.
Yes. The different levels of security are Minimum, Medium, High, Special Needs, and Maximum. Maximum is considered “Special Management,” and consist of the following sub-categories: Administrative Segregation, Protective Custody, and Disciplinary Detention.
If an offender’s commissary account contains 75 cents or less, after 30 days of incarceration, he or she is eligible for an indigent kit (stamped envelopes, legal paper, and personal hygiene items).
(Money orders only)
Offender Name, Arrest Number, Cell Number
LPSO Attention: Commissary
P.O. Box 92590
Lafayette, LA 70509
Yes, as long as it does not create any security problems.
Yes. However, the clothing can only be received on the release date. The clothing can be dropped off in intake.
Excluding weekends, holidays, or emergency situations, incoming letters are held for no more than 24 hours before being screened and, if accepted, delivered.
Simply bring the medications (in their bottles) to the jail and they will be given to the medical staff. Please note: all medications are subject to review by LPCC Physicians.
After someone is arrested and a bond is set, the party wishing to pay the bond would choose which type of bond to utilize and proceed accordingly. Bond types include Cash Bonds, Commercial Bonds, and Personal Surety Bonds. Contact the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center at 337-236-5444 for assistance with bail and bond procedures.
- COMMERCIAL BOND – A commercial bond is posted through a bonding company of your choice. The typical fee is 12% of the original bond; however, this may vary between bondsmen.
- PERSONAL SURETY BOND – A personal surety, also known as a W-2 bond, must be approved and authorized by a judge. A personal surety is based upon the premise that a friend or relative has income sufficient to support the release of the incarcerated individual. Upon approval by a judge, the information indicating the amount that the judge has authorized is forwarded to the correctional center, at which time the bond can be signed (picture id required) and the individual released.
- CASH BOND – Cash may be posted for a bond. Payment must be in the form of a money order or cash. The full amount of the bond must be posted. Bond money, minus any fees determined by the courts, is refunded after the defendant appears in court and all charges are adjudicated.
No, we are unable to make transfers to other facilities. However, if you are able to bond him/her out, we will assist with any placement. If a Judge has court ordered him/her to treatment, the Judge is responsible for placement. Please contact the Judge’s office for further information.
Recreation privileges depend on the offender’s classification. Some may be provided recreation 7 days a week.
It is the offender’s responsibility to inform family and friends about the transfer to another facility.
The Information Desk is open to the public, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (excluding holidays) to answer questions and direct visitors. The Information Desk can also be contacted by phone by dialing (337)-236-5400.
(Money orders only)
Offender Name, Arrest Number, Cell Number
LPSO Attention: Commissary
P.O. Box 92590
Lafayette, LA 70509
Physical Mail Address Changing
Effective September 1, 2023, Offender mail is going digital. The address that friends and family use to send personal mail to Offenders will change. The new address below will NEED to be used after this date. Going forward, mail received will be scanned and delivered electronically as an attachment to the Offender in the facility message app that is on the tablet. The Offender will be able to read this attachment for free.
Please note that the new mailing address is:
Facility Name, State
Offender Name, Offender Identifier
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131
For example:
Facility Name, State
John Doe #11111
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131
- Envelope Addressing
- The envelope must include the full facility name and the state the facility is in, as well as the Offender’s full name and unique identifier.
- The envelope must have the sender’s full name and physical address clearly written on the top left corner of the envelope.
- Content of Mail
- Legal Mail should not be sent to this new address. Any Legal Mail that is sent to the new address will be returned to Sender and WILL NOT be forwarded to the facility.
- Friends and family are required to send any checks or money orders directly to the facility. Do NOT send checks or money orders to this address.
- Only direct communication will be scanned. Boxes, catalogs will be returned to sender.
- Family & friends
- Friends and family should contact TextBehind support directly at for any mail delivery issues.
Offender property may be picked up at the LPCC:
Monday – Friday
8 AM – 4 PM (closed weekends & holidays)
A Judge sets bonds on all felony offenses. A misdemeanor that does get a misdemeanor appearance ticket has a preset bond.
Many items are returned to the owner at the time of recovery unless they are needed as evidence. If property is retained for evidence, property owners are asked to contact the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Evidence Custodian at 337-236-5835 to make arrangements for returning their items.
The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office website has a crime mapping section that can provide information about calls that the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office has responded to in Lafayette Parish.
Please see the Reports & Requests services page for information on Crime Mapping.
The LPSO Narcotics Unit is available to assist the community with their concerns about drug activity and can be reached at 337-534-4175 for assistance with eliminating drug activity. The LPSO Narcotics Unit section on this website provides an opportunity for the community to report drug activity directly to the task force – all information remains confidential.
The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office provides complete law enforcement services, patrol, dispatch and criminal investigation for all residents of Lafayette Parish – however, in order to not duplicate services provided by other agencies, our primary enforcement and patrol areas are the unincorporated areas of the Parish. Deputies of the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office have jurisdiction throughout Lafayette Parish.
Please contact our Crime Prevention Officer at 337-236-5613 for information about our LPSO Neighborhood Watch Programs.
Please see the Resources services page for information on Crime Prevention.
The Records Department of the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office, located at 316 W. Main Street in Lafayette, distributes accident reports between the hours of 8AM and 4:30PM Monday through Friday. Please allow 3 – 7 days after your incident before attempting to pick up an accident report. Visit our Records page for more details including reporting an accident online. For additional questions about this process, please call our Records Department at 337-236-5845.
Please send this request to our email:
Applicants must complete the entire application for employment in order to be considered for a position with the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office. We will also accept a resume along with the completed application.
Our Reserve Deputy program is an extremely valuable part of our team and is available to assist in the performance of enforcement activities. Approved applicants are required to attend a Reserve Deputy Academy and must volunteer at least 24 hours each month to assist the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office. For information about joining our Reserve Deputy program, please call our Human Resources Division at 337-236-5667 or send an email to Human Resources.
Applications are available from the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office at 316 W. Main Street in Lafayette, between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Our Human Resources staff can be reached at 337-236-5667 and additional information is available on this website at Job Center.
Please call our Public Information Officer at 337-236-5685. Requests may also be sent via email to Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office info email.
No. You must be sponsored by an agency.
One year following the application date.
Yes, the following colleges offer credits upon completion of ALETA:
ULL Lafayette and SLCC: 6 credit hours
LSU Eunice: 12 credit hours
Applicants for employment with the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office must be at least 18 years of age; however, certain positions may require applicants to be at least 21 years of age.
No. The only requirement is that you are employed by a law enforcement agency.
A high school diploma or a GED; however, some positions may require specialized training and/or a college degree.
It takes a minimum of two weeks to process an application after Testing is completed. A representative of our Human Resources Department will contact you about your application if you are selected for an interview. Questions about the status of your application may be directed to Human Resources at 337-236-5667 or email LPSO Human Resources.
Yes, you have to supply your own ammunition (1200 rounds handgun and 800 rounds 5.56 if taking Patrol Rifle Course or 1500 rounds if taking handgun only).
No. The sponsoring agency will receive an invoice from the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office within the first two weeks of the academy.
- The cost for attending the Academy is $1000.00 for the full 15-week long session, and $500.00 for attendance as a Refresher or Transition.
- Payments can be made by the individual peace officer by cash or check. But they still must be sponsored by an agency to attend the Academy.
To enter the Academy, you must be a commissioned Peace Officer working full-time or a commissioned reserve officer sponsored by the agency head of the department you are affiliated with.
Classes at ALETA begin promptly at 0600 hours daily. All cadets are advised to understand that arrival any time after 0600 hours constitutes said cadet being late.